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First-Time Driver? 5 Ways to Protect Your Car

websitebuilder • June 3, 2019
A white car is parked on the side of a road.

If you're about to become the proud owner of your first car, you're probably excited to head out onto the highway. However, before you do that, you need to understand the importance of auto maintenance. The first two things you need to know are that your gas tank should be kept filled and your tires should be kept inflated. Inadequate tire pressure and a low gas tank can cause problems for your cars performance.

Now, here are five additional things that you need to know about your car. These five tips will help you avoid problems.

1. Avoid Tight Turns

If you've been a passenger with someone who constantly makes tight turns, you’ll need to avoid mimicking them. Those tight turns can cause serious problems. If you hit the curb, you could knock out the suspension on your car. You may cause damage your tires and wheels. Not only that, but those curb checks can also damage your steering wheel rod. To avoid contact with the curb, always give yourself enough room to make a smooth turn.

2. Apply Even Brake Pressure

If you haven't been driving for long, you may still be in the habit of hard brakes. You may even ride the brake while you travel down hills and steep inclines. You want to avoid those habits. Your brakes need just enough pressure to bring your car to a smooth and complete stop. Each time you slam on your brakes, your brake pads and rotors pay the price.

Not only that, but when you ride the brakes down hills, your brake pads and rotors overheat. Unfortunately, that action causes your brakes to wear out much faster than they should. The best way to protect your brakes is to apply smooth, even pressure each time you come to a stop. Also, switch to low gear on the hills. That way, you don't have to ride the brake to maintain a comfortable speed.

3. Watch the Music Volume

If you're used to riding in cars with the volume turned up, you want to avoid that habit now that you'll be the one behind the wheel. When you drive with the volume turned up on your music, you can't hear the warning signs that your car may try to send you.

For instance, you may not hear squeals that could come from your brakes or sounds that could point toward engine problems. To make sure you can identify problems quickly, keep your music turned down while you drive.

4. Schedule Your Vehicle Maintenance

If this will be your first experience with vehicle responsibility, plan out your maintenance needs. As soon as you get your car, log on to your calendar on your smart phone and schedule an oil change for three months from when you get your car. Next, program dates for brake inspections and other service needs. That way, you won't need to worry about missed maintenance appointments.

5. Pay Attention to the Lights

If you've never paid attention to a dashboard before, you may not realize how many indicator lights it has. Each one of those indicator lights is designed to notify you of a particular issue. For example, some of those indicator lights remind you to put your seat belt on or turn your lights off.

However, other indicator lights identify serious problems. Now that you own your first car, familiarize yourself with those indicator lights. If the check engine light, airbag indicator, or oil pressure light comes on, get your car to a repair shop as soon as possible.

Now that you own your first car, use the tips provided here to keep things running smoothly. If you run into problems with your car and are in the Detroit area, contact us at Redford Auto Repair. We're here to take care of all your vehicle maintenance and repair needs.

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